Die Suche ergab 58 Treffer
- 1. Feb 2014, 19:33
- Forum: Wings
- Thema: Umfangreicheres Projekt
- Antworten: 4
- Zugriffe: 6609
Re: Umfangreicheres Projekt
Mabe, The Help Files has a topic titled "Interactive Multi-Timeline EXE Presentation" which should help. This itopic is accessed at the botoom of the "Creating [EXE Presentations]" topic notes. Note, however, tha following in the first paragraph - Interactive Multi-Timeline EXE P...
- 13. Okt 2013, 13:31
- Forum: Wings
- Thema: Flash-Video ist in Timeline unsichtbar und blockiert
- Antworten: 3
- Zugriffe: 5693
Re: Flash-Video ist in Timeline unsichtbar und blockiert
Hello Peter,
2 possible solutions -
1. CTRL-Z to undo your action(s)
2. Remove the Track (Video and Audio) on which the flv video is inserted into, Then Remove the the flv from media pool.
Hope that helps solve your problem,
Thomas Leong
2 possible solutions -
1. CTRL-Z to undo your action(s)
2. Remove the Track (Video and Audio) on which the flv video is inserted into, Then Remove the the flv from media pool.
Hope that helps solve your problem,
Thomas Leong
- 8. Okt 2013, 01:33
- Forum: Wings
- Thema: Mit welcher Software ...
- Antworten: 5
- Zugriffe: 7459
- 17. Feb 2013, 19:07
- Forum: Wings
- Thema: Workflow, mehrere Timelines
- Antworten: 4
- Zugriffe: 6157
Re: Workflow, mehrere Timelines
Andreas, BTW, if you want, I can create a simple project with Mix Groups in it, and send it to you. You then replace the footage with your own, or we can use still pix that are packaged with Windows 7. This might help quicken your learning process. I'll have to use Pro demo though as I have Wings MD...
- 17. Feb 2013, 18:58
- Forum: Wings
- Thema: Workflow, mehrere Timelines
- Antworten: 4
- Zugriffe: 6157
Re: Workflow, mehrere Timelines
Hello Andreas, On second thoughts, you do not need to use Mix Groups if your segment Shows end with black, and the next Show starts from black. Just try the editing workflow suggested - group them in each Timeline for easy selection, then copy and paste to the Master Timeline so that you can have yo...
- 17. Feb 2013, 10:49
- Forum: Wings
- Thema: Workflow, mehrere Timelines
- Antworten: 4
- Zugriffe: 6157
Re: Workflow, mehrere Timelines
Hello Andreas, Your project is complicated by the fact that you want to loop audio and at the same time call up different timelines. This is not possible with Wing 4, unless you use an external audio player (SC Master, pc or other media player - controlled from Wings or manually). I do have a soluti...
- 14. Feb 2013, 14:08
- Forum: Wings
- Thema: Verschiedene Warp-Einstellungen auf einem Display
- Antworten: 4
- Zugriffe: 5708
Re: Verschiedene Warp-Einstellungen auf einem Display
Correction of my error!!
One cannot fade between 2 Screens. One can only fade between multidisplay areas within One screen. So the Mix Groups feature will not work for the above scenario.
Looks like you are stuck using 2 Timelines as there is no Trigger feature to switch Screens otherwise.
One cannot fade between 2 Screens. One can only fade between multidisplay areas within One screen. So the Mix Groups feature will not work for the above scenario.
Looks like you are stuck using 2 Timelines as there is no Trigger feature to switch Screens otherwise.
- 14. Feb 2013, 13:48
- Forum: Wings
- Thema: Verschiedene Warp-Einstellungen auf einem Display
- Antworten: 4
- Zugriffe: 5708
Re: Verschiedene Warp-Einstellungen auf einem Display
Hi, If I understand your problem correctly, try - 1. In Media Pool, create a second Screen, i.e. Screen 2, and the corresponding Multidisplay Area(s) 2. Apply/Enable Warp to one of the two Screens, eg Screen 1 and its respective Multidisplay Area(s) 3. The other Screen will not have Warp applied. To...
- 8. Jan 2013, 06:03
- Forum: Wings
- Thema: AV Stumpfl mal-function
- Antworten: 1
- Zugriffe: 4292
Re: AV Stumpfl mal-function
Hi, Not sure if your reference to "Av Stumpfl" means the "SC Master" unit. Av Stumpfl is the whole corporation with a zillion products of variuos functions and features. So I'm assuming you meant the Sc Master unit. Think your Remote "Start Modes" settings for Show1 and...
- 28. Dez 2012, 19:07
- Forum: Wings
- Thema: Wings Platinum startet nicht: OMP error #15
- Antworten: 15
- Zugriffe: 23062
Re: Wings Platinum startet nicht: OMP error #15
Hofert, I just had a "Wings not starting" problem with a client's system last week (version 4.11). The Win 7 PC did not give an error message re libguide like Sanderva's. Nothing I tried solved it - even creating the Environment variable "KMP_etc...), uninstall, reinstall Wings, regis...