Die Suche ergab 51 Treffer

von Ian Swarbrick
19. Nov 2019, 13:41
Forum: Wings
Thema: WP versus Resolve rendering comparison tests
Antworten: 13
Zugriffe: 9019

Re: WP versus Resolve rendering comparison tests

Danke fur die schnelle Antwort Christof. Entscheidend für mich ist: würde ich eine Verbesserung in Bildqualität mit einer von WP7 outputted Video als ein von WP4 merken? Die Videos von After Effects rendiere ich in AppleProRes422. Ich nehme an dass Resolve mit AppleProRes gut zurechtkommt, aber WP4 ...
von Ian Swarbrick
19. Nov 2019, 12:52
Forum: Wings
Thema: WP versus Resolve rendering comparison tests
Antworten: 13
Zugriffe: 9019

WP versus Resolve rendering comparison tests

Ich habe (im Moment) nur WP 4. Ich überlege mir ob ich ein Upgrade zu 7 mache. Entscheidend für mich ist nicht nur die Erstellung von Shows mit Beamer sondern auch ein optimales Hochladen zum Vimeo bzw Youtube. Ich meine nicht rendering speed und Grösse von Bilddatei auch nicht sondern rein Bildqual...
von Ian Swarbrick
7. Sep 2017, 20:01
Forum: Wings
Thema: Avi in Platinum without intermediate video data?
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 2968

Re: Avi in Platinum without intermediate video data?

actually I`ve discovered that outputting to Quick Time with tiff codec (the worked time lapse images were already in tif format) works for WP, ie the video is visible in full screen with this wrapper/codec, including where no intermediate video data was produced.
von Ian Swarbrick
7. Sep 2017, 10:52
Forum: Wings
Thema: Avi in Platinum without intermediate video data?
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 2968

Avi in Platinum without intermediate video data?

First of all - apologies for writing English in a German forum.. My timelapse clips in the lossy avi format* run ok in my vlc player despite the huge file sizes. I would like to run these in my Platinum 4.25b timeline without having to produce intermediate video data. Then I have a show with audio a...
von Ian Swarbrick
19. Feb 2016, 19:11
Forum: Wings
Thema: Mehrkanalton praktisch für mich?
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 4396

Mehrkanalton praktisch für mich?

First off, I apologize for writing in English. By all means do reply in German, which I understand, but I`ll be clearer to you in my mother tongue I think! I have Platinum Advanced 4 at the moment. I have stopped doing shows in large rooms and have sold my audio equipment, but want to resume doing s...
von Ian Swarbrick
29. Mär 2014, 11:36
Forum: Wings
Thema: No image in screen
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 2976

Re: No image in screen

Problem solved. I installed the AMD Catalyst Control Center and got the image in WP back immediately. Don`t ask me why!
von Ian Swarbrick
27. Mär 2014, 12:04
Forum: Wings
Thema: No image in screen
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 2976

No image in screen

My computer crashed and I`ve had to reinstall everything, including Wings 4.25. Now there is no image in the screen, neither for video or still pictures. Is this a Direct x driver problem? The cd seemed to successfully follow the update proceedure for them. I`m on a Windows 7 64 bit machine. Thanks ...
von Ian Swarbrick
5. Sep 2012, 10:21
Forum: Wings
Thema: "Insert video" crashes Wings
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 2908

"Insert video" crashes Wings

I have had this problem for a long time but finally gotten irritated enough to seek help! When I insert a video from my hard drive (ie one that is not already in the Media Pool), WP4 crashes and needs a restart. A check in the folder reveals that the .wp4 file is successfully created at this first s...
von Ian Swarbrick
9. Sep 2011, 22:05
Forum: Wings
Thema: Bad results in Intermediate Video but...
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 7715

Re: Bad results in Intermediate Video but...

Hi Thomas, A good link, and one I go to occasionally for help on how to operate the one I possess(!) Lots of dolly movements in this video which I uploaded to youtube tonight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8jeQVHhxDE My Moco time lapse fascination has kicked climbing into touch, for which my wife ...
von Ian Swarbrick
9. Sep 2011, 08:35
Forum: Wings
Thema: Bad results in Intermediate Video but...
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 7715

Re: Bad results in Intermediate Video but...

Thanks for the tip, Thomas. Interestingly - with the troublesome 6fps night clip, I got satisfactory results saving to quick time movie in quick time pro and using photo jpeg codec. The small file size meant I didn`t need to trim it further with WP`s intermediate data function. I noted the price for...