I need your help!

Alles zum Thema Wings
Everything concerning Wings
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 6. Sep 2012, 09:11


I'm using Wings Platinum 4 and pretty satisfied with it.
One thing I want to know though, is there any way I can create some logs for the effects I put in?
For example, I use so many tracks (typically 10-20) to complete a project. But sometimes I need the event list so I can print out the effects and see when I'm not able to access to my laptop.
It would be much better if it includes Start time, Duration, Type of Event (etc.. Video, Image, Sound) and End time.

Please help me if you know how.

Patrick Zorn

Hi Ethan,

I'm sorry but i am not able to get the meaning of your inquiry.
What do you mean with "effects"? Do you mean the Realtime Effects of Wings?

Maybe you can explain it a bit more detailed what exactly you want to have on which location (maybe with some screenshots or so)

Thank you for your understanding.
best Regards
Patrick Zorn
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 6. Sep 2012, 09:11

Hi Patrick,

Thanks for the reply and sorry for the confusion.
What I was trying to mean was the "Objects" not "Effect" (this word sticked to my tongue in my work)
For example on the timeline, there are hundreds of Sound objects, Picture objects and so on and when I click on one of them an Object Info. pops up which includes Start time, Duration, End time..
Actually Wings already has those infos for each Objects but what I want to know is the way to make a List including all the Objects coz it's very painstaking process to copy and paste each Objects' Infos.

Thanks for your help.
Pro User
Beiträge: 317
Registriert: 25. Jan 2008, 20:41

Hi Ethan

One question please. I am always willing to learn from other producers. What do you need this for? Can you use it in other applicationes etc.

Thanks for the answear.