Raid 1 vs Raid 5

Alles zum Thema Wings
Everything concerning Wings
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 2. Mai 2010, 22:00

I have Wings Platinum V3,7 which I would like to bring up to Raid for reliablilty and have read that really large 1+TeraByte drives are served just as well by Raid 1 as they would be by Raid 5, and that would mean only purchasing 2 drives instead of 3. Anybody have any experience upgrading to Raid 1 or Raid 5 and equipment choices?

The Raid 1 vs Raid 5 is about bit error rate when the drives get to the point that the capacity is equal to the chance of getting an error, the crossover to Raid 1 is achived because the likelyhood of getting an error that needs Raid 5 correction becomes very high. Although I still do not know how they decide which of the drives has the correct data when they do not agree durring a read operation.